Saturday, June 10, 2006

I've got the

It's been a few weeks now that my new 15" Powerbook has been here, and I'm diggin' it big time.
I took a picture of the l'il rascal as it pretended to sleep all curled up on my desktop, the wood kind, not the virtual, Macintosh kind, and here it is, ain't it got the cutest blue glow? Alright, cut the crap, I got a cool new Powerbook, okay, it's a refurb, but it's new to me, alright? I know the new MacBook pros are out aready, but this is a fairly big upgrade for me, considering I was woking, and still am to be honest, on my snowy-white eMac, a sturdy bugger, who's done well for me, but I needed something a little newer, I couldn't even watch trailers on the Apple quicktime site anymore, sure I coulda upgraded my OS, but why, I don't even have a DVD player/burner on the eMac, I couldn't even install the newest Mac Os without one, so I made the leap, with the thought of getting out of the house, and doing some mobile computing, some writing, something,! But so far, I am still searching in vain for the perfect laptop case, and by perfect, I mean it has everything I want, and is under forty bucks, yeah, okay, the powerbook set me back a chunk, lay off! There was this one that was nearly perfect, until I inspected the inside, and found where the powebook would be nestled a big metal grommet, that would bang right into the shiny new aluminum skin of my wee beastie, what a dumb design, who thought that up, yeesh!'
Anyway, so now I need a case, and more ram, it's amazing how fast you find the limits of your ram isn't it, you push and push, and there it is, standing there laughing at you, okay it's more like a spinning beachball, really, but it isn't pleasant, let me tell you.
I have not named the 15" G4 Powerbook with dvd burning goodness anything yet, but maybe something will pop into my head soon, we'll see.


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