Thursday, May 26, 2005

...while I'm revising history...

Let's talk Star trek:Generations
It's been so long now I can barely remember the movie, but I do remember
I had a better idea for the ending.

Kirk should have been beamed up to the Enterprise D by Picard, who would
have told Riker that he's "Sending someone to help" swish pan to
turbolift doors, they whisper open, and there stands Kirk:" I heard you
could use some help" he says with a Kirk twinkle in his eye, feeling the
rush of stepping onto a bridge again. Riker steps up, kirk extends a
hand, and the two shake, a medium two shot, as the two similar
characters from two generations meet for the first time. Riker, along
with Data and Kirk make their way down to the battle bridge, on the way
the klingons beam on board in an attempt to take over ( there were
Klingon in this movie right, I forget, go with me here, it pays off)
Riker warns Kirk, Kirk dodges a klingon strike, and retaliates with the
patented Kirk double fist strike, down he goes. Riker raises an eyebrow, impressed. Second Klingon steps
up, ready to fire on Kirk, Data steps from the shadows, and lays a
vulcan nerve pinch on the guy, he goes down like a dufflebag full of wet
socks, Kirk looks at Data askance, with a "where did you learn that?"
look in his eye. Data off his look simply says "Ambassador Spock", Kirk, mirroring Riker, raises an eyebrow, impressed.
They continue down to the battle bridge, Kirk steps on, and is taken
aback, it resembles to a disturbing degree the bridge of his old ship
(they were the same set only slightly re-dressed after all) Kirk says
"now...I feel at home" or something similar. Riker and Data rig the
battle bridge controls to operate the whole stardrive section from the
captains chair, and instruct Kirk in it's use. Riker and Data have
their orders, they're to evacuate to the saucer section, and save the
Kirk on the stardrive part of the enterprise manuevers to take the
brunt of the photon torpedo attack (there was one right? or some sort of
missile) saving the saucer section. As the nexus ribbon is passing
through, the drifting stardrive section is manuevered by Kirk at the
last minute so the battle bridge intersect with it, just as the ship
explodes into smitherines. We know as an audience that Kirk as been
saved, sucked into the nexus again, eternal as always, he lives on, and
yet, dies (alone), with meaning.

transition music, dissolve to saucer section in orbit retrieving picard,
some nice closing line about Kirk "he made it possible for us to be
here" or something. Music Swells audience goes home happy.


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