Tuesday, May 03, 2005

With You

With You...the movie.

well there's a screening/premier for all those involved in the
production, and their friends and families this saturday. I hear it's a
cool old time theater, and the owner is making it a special event for
everyone involved.

Frankly, I'm a bit apprehensive about the whole thing, I'm not as social
as I once was, and my small talk is a bit rusty, that and there's a bit
of tension involving some of the principals in the film, and well, it'll
be the first I've seen of some of them in a long time. I don't look
forward to being in a room where several people think I'm some sort of
Judas, or "A-Hole" just because I did what I thought was right, and the
other person involved did what he thought was right, and well, he's got
more people, in the production anyway, on his side. It's a difference
of opinion, and well, it may create some tension, that I may have to
just pretend doesn't exist just to get through the night.

So the question is, do I still think I was right? yes, would I do it
differently given another chance, no. I think I would react the same
way. I might alter some of the things that led up to the disagreement,
as I said, I might as well have stood in bed, as come out, and cause
myself the grief it eventually did cause me.

The long and short of it is that I learned some valuable lessons from
that experience (valuable, like I can go cash them in somewhere right?
Rather like I got my hand burned on the stove, and know not to go near
the damn stove again!)

Anyway, the movie, right, the movie, lots of people I know are coming.
Of the people I invited, the one person I wanted to come will not be
able to attend due to a previous engagement. That sucks, the one person
I wanted to share this with, well, CPS knows how much it would mean to
me, but can't be there, well, I've gotten used to not seeing the old PS,
not to like it, but accustomed to it anyway.

More on my review later perhaps, check for an update after Saturday.


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