Saturday, November 06, 2004


Not Johnny Cash...sadly departed, but the kind the living can use, and
use by the fistful!

Okay, so, I'm not above begging, in a cool, intenet blogging sort of
way, so, yeah, I loads of debt, due to an overlong unemployment, which
was precipitated by an ovelong employment at an ass-factory called
Illuminations, or is it really an ass-magnet, anyway, after working
there, I was really done with retail, and so, I needed to find something
else, sadly, that's all I knew, and so, I spent 35 unemployed.
Now I'm 39 (good god) and I still have no real security, hell I don't
have a couch, something I really would like. and so, this is the
cyberspace call that goes out, to who-knows where.
do you want to send me some cash? I won't mind. if by some strange
chance you're a millionaire, and you've got bucketloads of cash lying
about, well, hell, the grand total is about forty grand, and I am really
struggling with the minimum payments, right, I know, I'll never get it
paid that way, so begging this way seems to at least preserve a modicum
of pride.
(email deleted due to too much spam!)
no donation is too large as the saying goes.
I am doing my part though, I bought a lottery ticket with the last
folding dollar in my pocket the other day, so let's all cross out fingers
shall we?


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