Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Springer, I hardly know her!

So I was surfing the channels, and paused to dangle my feet in the sharkinfested waters that is/are/am, the Jerry Springer Show.
Now, I know, I don't watch it either, but...
There'sthis poor dufus, deluded goon, who's begging, nay pleading, with some half-woman,half-bovine thing, to please, please see things his way, take him back, makehim truly happy by giving up her tri-dented lesbian goth lover, and comeback to his side of the fence...and a thought occurs to me.
How often have we done something roughly this stupid? Roughly, not exactly, minus one key ingredient...Television!
Everybodyhas done stupid stuff, stupid ridiculous stuff, but c'mon, at least one partof our brain was still saying, no audience (friends excluded).
But, then,you have "these people" they want to let you see this, they actually haveto make an effort to let you see this, for whatever incomprehensable reason.
Now you, or the many who read this, may thank God there was no cameraaround for one of any number of your embarassing moments, but, years downthe road, this poor goon finds and watches the Springer tape, shakes hishead, then throws that tape back into a box, stashes that box in the backof the closet and tries very hard to forget his past stupidity, just like the rest of us.
Now if he could only do something about that hideous tattoo!


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