Thursday, May 12, 2005

Home remedy

Here, are some simple, cheap, and effective home remedies.

-Sour stomach, acid reflux, indigestion, etc.
At the first sign of that "heartburn" feeling, rather than trying to
drown the pain with a drink of something, or eating something to make it
go away, try this...
Get some baking soda. Put a little, a very little, half a teaspoon maybe,
into a cup, glass, whatever, and put just enough tap water in there to
make it go "into solution" (so you can drink it), swirl it around, and slap
that daddy back fast (drink it quickly) why you ask? Well actually,
because it doesn't taste that good, and the less time on your tongue, or in
your mouth the better. You should feel results immediately. Now you
may have a sip of water, to rinse it down, or out of your mouth, but
that's it. You probably got into the situation from eating or drinking
too much, so sit quietly and ponder something. If it's the middle of
the night, sit up a while, or if you need to sleep, prop up your upper
body with pillows, and try to sleep that way, the acid reflux should
have a harder time shooting up, if your sitting up.

-Athlete's foot-
that burn that says "itch me 'til I bleed" that feeling like you could
itch more successfully from the inside, that maddening feeling...we've
all had it at one time or another, sometimes it can't be helped. So try
this, again, cheap, and easy.
First get a cotton swab, next, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide (found in
your pharmacy section of the Safeway, or what have you) Immerse the
swab, get it good and soaked, and then put the swab between the affected
toes, and swish it around get it in and around the itchy area. Sure
it'll sting for a second, but then, it should be gone, good as new. For
second treatments, or other toes, get a new swab fer God's sake that
stuff is multipurpose, unless you put that swab back in, then it's
single purpose, and it's just used that up!

More handy hints later...


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