Monday, November 08, 2004


Lotto ticket didn't pay off, damn, back to the drawing board, literally!

I Got a check from Eric of Running Unlimited (half down,you bet, it went
right into the bank, where it won't solve a damn thing, but, it is a
drop in the bucket!) for a piece of christmas postcard art for his next
mailing, now all I gotta do, is draw the thing!
Third day, no caffeine, head hurts, to be expected, that's what advil is

Funny thing, spell check wants to correct Advil for...Anvil, yes, take a
couple anvils, tell me if your headache goes away!

Later, must attempt normal sleep cycle.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Overdrawn and Over-Extended

Overdrawn and Over-Extended...sounds like a comic figure drawn by Rob
Liefeld, sadly no.
Debt, sounds a lot like dead, as in dead in the water, in the doldrums
wasn't that the place the sailors would be stuck with no wind to furl
their sails?

No seriously...
No seriously...
No seriously...

got any cash you want to send me, it's always appreciated...

listening to...

Colin Hay - "I just don't think I'll get over you" from the Garden State
Colin Hay- "Waiting for my real life to begin"
Colin seems to be a cool guy, listened to an interview on the Steve Dahl
show, he seems to have gotten past the rockstar asshole stage, and is in
a different place, making music, writing songs, and doing stand-up? So
he says, good for him.
Red Hot Chili Peppers -"Under the Bridge"
Lives in the balance -Jackson Browne, Liberal jerk-wad, but it is a good
song, sound like it was written this year.

Saturday, November 06, 2004


Not Johnny Cash...sadly departed, but the kind the living can use, and
use by the fistful!

Okay, so, I'm not above begging, in a cool, intenet blogging sort of
way, so, yeah, I loads of debt, due to an overlong unemployment, which
was precipitated by an ovelong employment at an ass-factory called
Illuminations, or is it really an ass-magnet, anyway, after working
there, I was really done with retail, and so, I needed to find something
else, sadly, that's all I knew, and so, I spent 35 unemployed.
Now I'm 39 (good god) and I still have no real security, hell I don't
have a couch, something I really would like. and so, this is the
cyberspace call that goes out, to who-knows where.
do you want to send me some cash? I won't mind. if by some strange
chance you're a millionaire, and you've got bucketloads of cash lying
about, well, hell, the grand total is about forty grand, and I am really
struggling with the minimum payments, right, I know, I'll never get it
paid that way, so begging this way seems to at least preserve a modicum
of pride.
(email deleted due to too much spam!)
no donation is too large as the saying goes.
I am doing my part though, I bought a lottery ticket with the last
folding dollar in my pocket the other day, so let's all cross out fingers
shall we?