Thursday, April 17, 2008

the three things wrong with the movie industry Part2 (like it's only three things!)

2.) Movies are now all about Marketing, and market research.  "We gotta have a cool campaign out there, something cut quick, something that will grab them"  This also usually includes a trailer that will spoon feed the entire movie to the audience, up to, and including sometimes, the actual ending of the film! (remember the teaser trailer for Close Encounters of the third kind?  It was a slow push in on a road at night, with a voice over explaining the different types of encounters,  it built suspense, and interest in the movie, and was scary and enthralling at the same time.  Of course the movie delivered on that promise in a big way, and featured good solid actors, who weren't in their twenties, and it delivered at the  box office)  The second part of this answer being Market one has the guts to go with something they believe in, so they research the crap out of it.  It's like hiring the job applicant with the college degree, who can barely form a sentence over the candidate with actual experience, but who lacks the degree, why, because the person doing the hiring, has to answer to his boss (board of directors) who will ask, when it turns out their new hire just flat out stinks, "why did you hire this guy?"
will cover his ass, and point to the guys resume, and say "I check the facts, I did the research, he looked good on paper"  that's market research, "hey audiences say they love Kirsten Dunst, and teenage boys aren't threatened by whats-his-name, let's put them in a movie!"  And the movie opens up and does decent box office the first weekend, not because the people are actually looking forward to seeing it, but because they need something to do, they've seen the piece of crap that opened last week, and now they must consume, and they'reout with their friends, and they need to "do something" on a friday night,so they go and see, the newest, most homoginized action film, or "Hilarious comedy" that's been barraging them with adds for the last month.  Why, not because they have any real interest, but because it's something to do, and that's why the opening weekends on these horrible films looks pretty good, and the next week, it drops off like a dead duck.  But too late, we've already gotten the go-ahead on the sequel based on opening weekend numbers! But by then it's too late, someone has already stuck their neck out, and whether they should or not,they're going to continue to  gear-up for the sequel, because the boardroom like that kind of talk, "We've got a winner here, and we'll have something it eighteen months when  the sequel comes out, "guaranteed 13 to 22 year old audience, they'll come out in droves" 



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