Thursday, April 24, 2008


Unearthed this pic of my old Blazer...

I want it back!  I want to find it's dopleganger at least, and drive around with the back hatch open, and the windows down, creating the wind tunnel effect I used to like.

It was a two door two-wheel drive blazer, with cloth seats, and it was a fun ride.

(I'm just testing out the blog publisher feature on Flock, so just smile, and nod)
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Thursday, April 17, 2008

the three things wrong with the movie industry (yeah, like it's only three!)

3.) Stop making sequels to tv shows that no one has been talking about since they went off the air. Do you know why Star trek had life as a movie franchise? Becasue the fandom of the show survived in spite of the death of the show, and did it in a pre-internet era, when it was tough to be a fan of a cancelled show. Star trek fandom thrived enough to bring it's inspiration back to the big screen...who is clamoring for a mod squad movie, or a Starsky and Hutch movie, answer, no one. But someone owned the rights, and went ahead, and made bad movies from obsolete television shows. and to make this a two part answer, give people with good ideas the freedom to explore them, try low budgets, & big ideas.


P.S. So that was my posting on what's wrong with the movie industry, the three things, well, that was all I could fit into 4,000 characters on the BIZ website, an offshoot of some sort of the variety site. A nice place to post such a bitribe. I don't think it will be heeded, but it was refreshing to get it off my chest. The point behind it, I think it's fairly obvious, I should be making movies damn it. I make no bones about the fact that I should be making movies, I should, I know what I like, and I know what makes a fun, exciting time at the theater. And sorry to tell you guys, but if I'm in charge, I will not be making a mvie starring the Wayans bros. not the younger, less funny ones at least.
Can we look back at the movies if the seventies, and at least the ones we remember, becasue the stood the test of time, they starred adults, why because kids want to look up to adults, to emulate hem to be like them, to try to approach that level of cool that and adult has. Now we've got Shia LeBuef as a star of a movie, who's looking up to him? Who wants to be like him. we want to escape out lives in movies, to dream while awake, right? I see Peter Parker unable to pay his rent, and sad because he doesn't have a girlfriend, I'm not taken out of reality, I'm reminded of my own pathetic existence when bill, and a lack of social life play far too large a part, we go to the movies to leave those worries behind us, not to have them dramatized by some guy who is making a million dollars off of slumming, to pretend he's poor.
Anyway, that's just my two-measly cents, it's all I can afford these days anyway, so take it for what it's worth.
Oh and by the way, if you're a studio, looking for someone to develope, and produce, and direct films, I'm your guy, and I've got some friends who can definitely back me up with some of their own ideas as well. Lemme at 'em!

the three things wrong with the movie industry Part2 (like it's only three things!)

2.) Movies are now all about Marketing, and market research.  "We gotta have a cool campaign out there, something cut quick, something that will grab them"  This also usually includes a trailer that will spoon feed the entire movie to the audience, up to, and including sometimes, the actual ending of the film! (remember the teaser trailer for Close Encounters of the third kind?  It was a slow push in on a road at night, with a voice over explaining the different types of encounters,  it built suspense, and interest in the movie, and was scary and enthralling at the same time.  Of course the movie delivered on that promise in a big way, and featured good solid actors, who weren't in their twenties, and it delivered at the  box office)  The second part of this answer being Market one has the guts to go with something they believe in, so they research the crap out of it.  It's like hiring the job applicant with the college degree, who can barely form a sentence over the candidate with actual experience, but who lacks the degree, why, because the person doing the hiring, has to answer to his boss (board of directors) who will ask, when it turns out their new hire just flat out stinks, "why did you hire this guy?"
will cover his ass, and point to the guys resume, and say "I check the facts, I did the research, he looked good on paper"  that's market research, "hey audiences say they love Kirsten Dunst, and teenage boys aren't threatened by whats-his-name, let's put them in a movie!"  And the movie opens up and does decent box office the first weekend, not because the people are actually looking forward to seeing it, but because they need something to do, they've seen the piece of crap that opened last week, and now they must consume, and they'reout with their friends, and they need to "do something" on a friday night,so they go and see, the newest, most homoginized action film, or "Hilarious comedy" that's been barraging them with adds for the last month.  Why, not because they have any real interest, but because it's something to do, and that's why the opening weekends on these horrible films looks pretty good, and the next week, it drops off like a dead duck.  But too late, we've already gotten the go-ahead on the sequel based on opening weekend numbers! But by then it's too late, someone has already stuck their neck out, and whether they should or not,they're going to continue to  gear-up for the sequel, because the boardroom like that kind of talk, "We've got a winner here, and we'll have something it eighteen months when  the sequel comes out, "guaranteed 13 to 22 year old audience, they'll come out in droves" 


the three things wrong with the movie business Pt.1 (like it's only three)

As asked by "The Biz" a part of the Variety web site, I answered as follows:
1.)Trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, I.E. Dumbing down Movies, making the movies less of an exciting experience, and more of a "palatable by all audiences" diversion. This includes pandering to teenagers, by neutering R rated movies into PG 13 movies, that are like the "edited for tv" movies, before they even get on tv, making a less exciting, and less watchable, and thus re-watchable product, when was the last time you saw people go to the theaters multiple times because they really wanted to see something again, and/or to share it with their friends, rather than just as "something to do".  

Monday, March 03, 2008


I've broken Flock on my Powerbook.
I had some issues with my hard drive singing soprano, and annoying rhe shit out of me, and I did a hard shut down, and whammo!  the damn thing took down my beloved Flock.  how, who knows, but I can't get my feeds back, and damnitt, I like all the things Flock does for me.
This is obviously a Powerbook issue, as it has been annoying me with it's bitching lately, but now it is damn-near insistent upon me paying it attention.  Even now, I'm affraid it is about to poop, must dash!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Testing the Tech

Saturday night, watching television...
...and testing out the blogger widget.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

I Be witched!

Elizabeth Montgomery, pre-Bewitched days, who knew?!

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Blogged with Flock

Photobucket doesn't like Boobies (A little Slideshow)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Withered and Died Elvis Costello (as The Imposter)

This cruel old country has driven me down, teased me and lied.
I've only sad stories to tell to this town
My dreams have withered and died.
Once I was bending the tops of the trees,
Kind thoughts in my head, kind voices to hear.
Then I took up with a girl from the West.
Played run and hide, played run and hide.
Count one to ten and she's gone like the rest.
My dreams have withered and died.
If I was a butterfly, lived for a day,
I could be free just blowing away.
Silver moon sail up and silver moonshine
On the water so wide, water so wide,
Slip from the bed of a good friend of mine
My dreams have withered and died.
Once I was bending the tops of the trees
Kind thoughts in my head, kind voices to hear.
This cruel country has driven me down, teased me and lied.
Teased me and lied.
I've only sad stories to tell to this town.
My dreams have withered and died.
My dreams have withered and died.
My dreams have withered and died.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

September 15th, 2006, 10th Anniversary of nothing

This one's for J.A.P.
Maybe it'll get read, and sink in...

A song by Sting...
"I was Brought to my Senses"

Alone with my thoughts this evening
I walked on the banks of tyne
I wondered how I could win you
Or if I could make you mine
Or if I could make you mine

The wind it was so insistent
With tales of a stormy south
But when I spied two birds in a sycamore tree
There came a dryness in my mouth
Came a dryness in my mouth

For then without rhyme or reason
The two birds did rise up to fly
And where the two birds were flying
I swear I saw you and i
I swear I saw you and i

I walked out this morning
It was like a veil had been removed from before my eyes
For the first time I saw the work of heaven
In the line where the hills had been married to the sky
And all around me
Every blade of singing grass
Was calling out your name
And that our love would always last
And inside every turning leaf
Is the pattern of an older tree
The shape of our future
The shape of all our history
And out of the confusion
Where the river meets the sea
Came things Id never seen
Things Id never seen

I was brought to my senses
I was blind but now that I can see
Every signpost in nature
said you belong to me

I know its true
Its written in a sky as blue
As blue as your eyes
As blue as your eyes
If natures red in tooth and claw
Like winters freeze and summers thaw
The wounds she gave me
Were the wounds that would heal me
And we'd be like the moon and sun
And when our courtly dance had run
Its course across the sky
Then together we would lie
And out of the confusion
Where the river meets the sea
Something new would arrive
Something better would arrive

I was brought to my senses
I was blind but now that I can see
Every signpost in nature
Said you belong to me
I was brought to my senses
I was blind but now that I can see
Every signpost in nature
said You belong to me...
that one...that one
is just too perfect.